Metal Spring Clips

What kind of Spring clips are you looking for? Please inform us the design and usage for your metal spring clips. Are you planning to buy bulk spring slips for sale ?

If you are looking for a custom designed spring clips you may contact a Chinese company elite springs industries to manufacture your clips. If you live in USA, you may also contact metal clips manufacturing company Fourslide Spring and Stamping, Inc..

For metal spring clips, you need to specify the shapes and size and the application of the clips. Pick a company that is an expert in manufacturing different design of metal clips, clamps, or clasps. The clip's strength and durability depends on your requirements, please consider to inform the thickness, design, and materials to be used in your spring clip.

There are u-shaped spring clips, c-shaped, and other irregular shapes that serves it functions. Colors may come in brash, gold, chrome, bronze, and copper. Here are some measurements for metal strips (.003" to .075" thick and .020" to 2.00" wide) . Some spring clips are made of plastic, wood, alloys, and steel. This spring clips can sure fasten and grip clothes, binder, books.

You may email or contact the numbers of the suppliers and manufacturers of spring clips. Good luck.